- title: title of the price box
- price: price value
- price separator: char separator for decimal part (‘.’/’,’)
- price prefix: text before price
- price suffix: text after price
- href: url of the link button
- yes
- no
[price_table type=”large” title=”HIGLIGHT PLAN” price=”$170/mo” href=”#” buttontext=”SIGNUP NOW” show_header=”yes” show_footer=”yes” ]
- 100
- 200
- [tick]
[price_table title=”ADVANCED PLAN” price=”$250/mo” href=”#” buttontext=”SIGNUP NOW” show_header=”yes” show_footer=”yes” price_table_position=”right”]
- 200
- 400
[price_table title=”JUNIOR PLAN” price=”$120/mo” href=”#” buttontext=”SIGNUP NOW” show_header=”yes” show_footer=”yes” price_table_position=”left”]
- yes
- no
[price_table type=”large” title=”HIGLIGHT PLAN” price=”$170/mo” href=”#” buttontext=”SIGNUP NOW” show_header=”yes” show_footer=”yes”]
- 150
- 200
- [tick]
[price_table title=”ADVANCED PLAN” price=”$250/mo” href=”#” buttontext=”SIGNUP NOW” show_header=”yes” show_footer=”yes” price_table_position=”right”]
- 200
- 400
- 5 project
- 5 GB Storage
- Unlimited Users
- 10 GB Bandwidth
- Enhanced security
- 5 project
- 5 GB Storage
- Unlimited Users
- 10 GB Bandwidth
- Enhanced security
- 5 project
- 5 GB Storage
- Unlimited Users
- 10 GB Bandwidth
- Enhanced security
- buttontext: text of button
- text color: color of the text
- color: background color of price box
- last: whether to remove margin right
- centered: whether to center price box inside container